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This Return Policy applies to the purchase and sale of products through (the “Website”) or with respect to the Company’s social media pages on various third party social media platforms or through other Company channels (each, an “Other Channel,” together with the Website, collectively, the “Site”) subject to and in accordance with the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Terms of Sales. This policy is subject to change by Canteras Trading LLC,, a Delaware limited liability company (referred to as the “Company”, “us”, “we”, or “our” as the context may require), without prior written notice at any time, in our sole discretion. Any changes to the Return Policy will be in effect as of the “Last Updated Date” set forth below. You should review the Return Policy before purchasing any products that are available through the Site. Your continued use of the Site after the “Last Updated Date” set forth below will constitute your acceptance of and agreement to such changes.

30 Day Return Policy

The Company is pleased to offer our valued customers the following 30 Day Return Policy on products purchased through the Site. This policy applies to purchases from the Company.

Terms and Conditions for Returns

Please note that no customer should ever receive a device with the following defects (“Critical Defects”):

If you receive an item with a Critical Defect, you should request an RMA immediately.

New Customers

New Customers are first-time purchasers from the Site. We understand the importance of your first sample order with a new vendor, and we want to make sure you have a great experience. That’s why, as long as you abide by the limitations detailed above, we will take back any device for any reason on your first return of up to 50 devices.

If you need to return more than 50 devices, or if you are not a New Customer, the below policy for Existing Customers shall apply.

Existing Customers

Existing Customers have made more than one purchase from the Site.

We stand by the testing and grading descriptions that are represented on the Website, and therefore strive to offer a highly flexible return policy. However, different grades undergo different functional tests and have different cosmetic standards. Therefore, our Secondary Grades, which may have non-key functions that do not work, have a different return policy than our Primary Grades. The grading scale for products sold on the Site is subjective and grading designations are made in the sole discretion of the Company. To learn more about our grades and view detailed videos, go to

Partial Credits Instead of Returns

We understand that in some cases, our customers would prefer to get a partial credit on a defective device rather than incur the shipping cost of returns. If this is your preference, please contact your Account Manager directly. These requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis in the sole discretion of the Company.

*Please note that this does not apply to devices with Critical Defects (see above for a list of Critical Defects). No customer should ever receive a device with a Critical Defect. If an item is received with a Critical Defect, an RMA should be requested immediately.


The Company values our customers, and we are committed to helping customers with issues that might occur outside the parameters of our standard policy. These issues will also be handled on a case by case basis, in our sole discretion.